Thursday, November 25, 2010


I always think over and over again, since i watched the movie 2012 nearly 1 year ago.Is't there's a expiry date for our mother earth,when Mega tsunami will cover the earth and shifting of earth crusts will occur due to melting of earth core. These phenomena is due to an cosmic alignment of the milky way and our sun so with our solar planets that form a straight line. When this incident occurs, it'll bring a mega gravity to cause the sun to produce a mega volcano eruption from the sun and brings the Neutrino radiation that's so great that can able to melt our earth core. This scene was known by the Mayan people long before Christ was born. Not only one civilization that predicted the end of time. But the I-Ching from china also predicted the modern human millennium age will come to an end. All the results shown in one particular year "2012", is't coincidence? or really true? Joining with the brightest scientist on earth trough out the history. Prof.Charles Hapgood called it the "polar shift", and his theory was supported by Prof.Albert Einstein. When this occurs, it'll bring a disaster that'll so devastating that'll vanish all the species on earth. Is this a myth?, or is this a true story that going to happen?